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Midas Touch Fitness

THE OPTIMAL HYBRID BUILDER (Monday/Wednesday/Friday Sporting Schedule Edition)

THE OPTIMAL HYBRID BUILDER (Monday/Wednesday/Friday Sporting Schedule Edition)

Regular price £14.99 GBP
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What is this program?

In short, it is the most optimal way to train for hypertrophy, athletic performance, strength, power and cardiovascular fitness simultaneously when your sport requires you to train on a monday and friday with matches on a wednesday (the program will therefore be scheduled around this so you are recovered and primed for your game days).

It contains:

  1. A full a/b (5-6 days a week, 2 weeks repeating one after the other) training split organised around this sporting routine to maximise performance on game days
  2. 14 different workouts in extreme detail including hypertrophy focussed weight sessions, athleticism and strength focussed weight sessions, sprint sessions, plyometric sessions and cardiovascular fitness focussed sessions 
  3. Alternatives to every single exercise to allow customisation based on preference
  4. Example warm ups
  5. Terminology + exercise explanations / demonstrations (in text and video form as a seperate file to the program itself)
  6. A video of my daily stretching routine to aid recovery
  7. An easy to follow progressive overload system (explained)
  8. A secret to execute exercises to make them more athletic
  9. A simple system to understand and learn how to judge RPE (explained)
  10. An explanation of how to rearrange the split if ever necessary 
  11. An explanation of how to shorten the program (time wise) if ever necessary
  12. An explanation of how to progress the program and how to switch it to be more catered to a specific component of fitness
  13. An explanation of how to condense all the information to use day to day at the gym
  14. Extra in-gym tips to make the program work better for you 
  15. Extra out of gym tips to make the program work better for you


Who is it for?

  1. Anyone who wants to gain more than just bigger muscles from their training
  2. Anyone who plays a sport and wants to improve at it while also improving how they look
  3. Anyone who has been weight training for a period of time and is unhappy with the path they're on just constantly trying to get bigger and look better while simultaneously losing fitness etc
  4. Anyone who already trains in this style and wants to take it to the next level
  5. Anyone who's a beginner in the gym or yet to start going and want to get on the right path early with hybrid training and avoid the trap of becoming a lump of muscle that can't do much aside from lift heavy things
  6. Literally anyone else who wants to look better and have a more athletically capable body at the same time by gaining muscle, strength, speed, power, fitness etc etc
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