Meet Josef

Josef starting workout out when he was very young due to his father being big into exercise and converting a room in the house into a mini gym...

Since then he started working out much more seriously, researching training practices, diet, got qualified as a personal trainer and made his own body transformation after making his biggest mistake to date, dirty bulking.
Josef trained strictly weights for 3 years straight after leaving his rugby team but, after joining back, quickly realised how just weights alone doesn't quite cut it.
He has now completely changed his training style into that of a 'hybrid athlete' training for muscle growth and strength like most gym goers but also the other components of fitness like cardiovascular endurance, speed, flexibility, power etc etc to get the maximum lifestyle benefits that training can provide regardless of if you play a sport or not...

This video documents that transformation:

Since this initial transformation Josef has continued his use of hybrid training and levelled up his knowledge of it by trying many new exercises and continuing his research as seen in his video training as optimally for muscle growth as possible for 30 days.

Again shown in a video

This has lead to Josef reaching new heights in his physique and sporting performance having experienced now a successful bulk being the strongest and most muscular he has ever been without excessive fat gain (again shown in the video bellow) and going from making his debut for his rugby club's first team early in the 2023/24 season and playing most his rugby for the second team to becoming a semi-regular player in a level 5 rugby team (the first team), getting into, starting the first 2 games and scoring in both for his county U'20s, which then lead to him playing for his reigonal (multiple counties combined) of South West England. His transformation continues to this day as he continues this style of training and dieting

Again again, shown in a final video

About The Brand

The meaning behind Midas Touch Fitness...

By definition the meaning is the following: "To have a so called 'Midas Touch' means to have success in any venture you take on (stemming from the Greek king Midas who could turn anything he touched into gold)"

But it's much more than that


We at Midas Touch Fitness aim to help develop your Midas Touch by turning your physical health to gold, which will not only make you better off physically but will also allow you to succeed in all other ventures of your life!

More specifically, we want to change the way people train.

We want to take big stiff bodybuilders and turn them into athletical humans, we want to put beginner lifters on the right path straight away and we want to help give existing hybrid athletes the edge to perform at the very next level so all of the above (and anyone else) can maximise their aesthetics while becoming more athletic...