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Midas Touch Fitness

Midas Touch Academy

Midas Touch Academy

Regular price £29.99 GBP
Regular price £40.00 GBP Sale price £29.99 GBP
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What is Midas Touch Academy? 

It is a monthly coaching community for people to level up their athletic performance while improving their physique. It is targeted for those playing sport at an amateur to semi-professional level who care about getting better at their sport but also want to look better.

Join a community of similar people and get 24 hour access and support from me to help reach your goals.

Why do YOU need it?

Are you not tired of walking of the field, pitch or whatever you play, fight, run etc on disappointed at how you’ve performed and then just the next morning, you’re going for a piss, you look in the mirror and again, you’re disappointed…?

This tackles both problems

Both parts of life exercise is supposed to improve but for many they only use exercise for 1 of these parts, it doesn’t have to be this way


What do you get?

  • Fully customised training programs including more than just weights (sprints, cardio, plyometrics etc)
  • Nutritional guidance
  • A start up questionnaire to establish your individual goals, struggles etc
  • Quarterly fitness & physique testing to ensure progress is made
  • Changes made WHENEVER required and requested not once a month or 2 weeks like most online coaches
  • Free access to courses, PDFs and much more to ensure best results


Why trust me?

Not only do I offer a completely 100% money back guarantee if you join and aren’t satisfied off the bat in your first month (just email me with a reason why to help me improve) but…

Not only have I been training in this style since January 2022 and my life has TRANSFORMED like crazy, which I’ll get onto, but since training others, the results have only been positive! 

(Check the few testimonials on the coaching page to see those)

As for myself I went from a very out of shape version of myself after training strictly bodybuilding and doing a dirty bulk and just joining back my childhood rugby team, to absolutely the best shape of my life getting absolutely shredded for the first time as a former fat kid and playing at higher levels than I ever dreamed of!

I went from a bench player in a tier 9 rugby team (9 leagues down from the premiership) to playing for my region and at a semi-professional level (just 5 leagues down from the premiership)…



It’s just under £40 a month and to be honest: I’m young, I live at home, I don’t have many followers, I’m don’t have the most impressive physique in the industry and because of all these things I have to be cheap to compete, but it won’t always be this way, so get in while you can!

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