Midas Touch Fitness

The 30 Day Fat Loss Formula

The 30 Day Fat Loss Formula

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The 30 Day Optimal Fat Loss Formula:

A step by step video course detailing exactly how to lose as much muscle as possible while retaining all muscle mass and strength in 30 days specifically

This is not a diet plan, this is a step by step day by day formula to get in shape fast, it is not sustainable beyond 30 days but for 30 days alone you will lose a tremendous amount of fat while avoiding the major 'diet fatigue' symptoms like muscle loss, brain fog, dizziness, extreme hunger etc via techniques like refeed days, relaxed dieting etc for less than £1 a day

It contains:

Video 1: Intro

Video 2: Calories

Video 3: Training

Video 4: Lifestyle

Video 5: Extra Tips/Rules

Video 6: The Day to Day Structure

Video 7: What Results to Expect

I myself ran this exact formula for 30 days as an experiment for a youtube video and based on the struggles I experienced, adapted it to make what is now, the most optimal way lose fat in 30 days. I did this for a holiday, you can use it to end a fat loss phase that's just taking too long to get you at your goal weight, get in shape for an event ie a holiday (like me), wedding etc, to place mid-way through a muscle gain phase to lose any fat you've picked up to then continue bulking after or whatever...

So, for not only one of the most manageable months of fat loss but also most effective, watch video one for free now!

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